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All Punjab Universities Innovation EXPO 2023!

IUB Delegation Shines at All Punjab Universities Innovation EXPO 2023!

Thrilled to share that a dynamic delegation from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur , Pakistan spearheaded by the Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (ORIC IUB), showcased innovation prowess at the All Punjab Universities Innovation EXPO 2023, held at the EXPO Center, Lahore.

Key Participants:
Abdul Moeed Abid , Deputy Registrar ORIC
Dr. Atif Usman, Manager Research
Dr. Muhammad Sajid, Manager Innovation and Commercialization
Dr. Umer Bilal Sajid

Our team's active involvement underscores IUB's dedication to driving innovation and highlights the impactful research and commercialization initiatives taking place at our university. Stay tuned for more updates on our journey of innovation and excellence!

Link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/oric-iub-ab3977298_iubinnovation-oric-punjabuniversitiesexpo-activity-7132259581811937280-SZqv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop